Marites M. Tiongco
Associate Editor
The Effect of Global Financial Crisis on ASEAN Growth: Evidence From Stock Market Analysis
Authors: Siti Muliana Samsi, Zarinah Yusof and Kee-Cheok Cheong
Stability and Resilience of Equity Markets amidst the 2008 Global Financial Crisis: Islamic Versus Conventional Markets
Author: M. Shabri Abd. Majid
On the Existence of Calendar Anomalies and Persistence in the Daily Returns of the PSEi
Author: Kristine Joy E. Carpio
Investigating Consumer Optimum Stimulation Level and Exploratory Online Buying Behavior
Author: Claro G. Gañac
Acculturative Products Uniqueness Antecedence for Successful Marketing Performance
Authors: Gita Sugiyarti, Augusty Tae Ferdinand and Tatiek Nurchayati
Dynamics of Social Capital Among Fair Trade and Non-Fair Trade Coffee Farmers
Author: Reynaldo A. Bautista, Jr.
Physician Quality and Payment Schemes: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Author: Renz Adrian T. Calub
Impact of Ownership Structure on Capital Structure- Empirical Evidence from Listed Firms in Vietnam
Authors: Tran Thi Xuan Anh, Le Quoc Tuan, and Bui Ngoc Phuong
Diffusion of Hong Kong Office Property Prices Across Quality Classes: Ripple Down or Ripple Up?
Authors: Ming-Te Lee, Shew-Huei Kuo and Ming-Long Lee
Effect of Institution on Production Cost Efficiency of Organic Rice Farming in Indonesia
Authors: Ignatius Suprih Sudrajat, Endang Siti Rahayu, Supriyadi, and Kusnandar
Development of a Composite Lean Index to Measure Lean Implementation in Philippine Manufacturing Companies
Authors: Willy F. Zalatar and Anna Bella D. Siriban-Manalang
Role Playing Method For Financial Management Laboratory
Authors: Susanti1, Herlina2, Emanuel Kristidjadi3, Nanang Shonhadji4 Edi Pranyoto5, Anuar Sanusi6, Melda Agarina7
The Effect Of Training Participation, Team Work And Motivation Of Nurses’ Work On The Quality Of Health Services In RSAU dr. Esnawan Antariksa In Jakarta
Authors: Budi Santoso, Yetti Supriyati, Abdul Hadi Djamal