Year: 2019, Volume 28 No. 3
Pages: 104-108
The objective of this library research is to analysis decision making methods on stock. There are a lot methods to making decision on stock. Sometimes investor need information to make decision making, sometimes the investor do not need information they just used intuitive. Others used according to their behaviour.
Making decision on stock price need feeling or calculation time to sell or buy. If investor can sell with right time may the investor will get gain.Making the right and right decisions on stock investments in the capital market requires the ability to do careful analysis. The ability to read the market and the factors that influence the market are needed to make decisions on the right stock investment in the market. Investor decisions are inseparable from financial behavior. behavior is now a worldwide phenomenon today. Prudent decision on stock market needs a good skill to analysis when buy or sales stock. Financial
The right decisions on stock investments in the capital market requires the ability to do careful analysis. Financial behavior is now a worldwide phenomenon today. Prudent decision on stock market need a good skill to analysis when buy or sales stock.
Decision making by irrational investors is increasing. But they need to be accompanied by reliable fiduciaries. The increasing number of social media users and peer groups that can produce quality information can increase investor confidence to make decisions that do not make them disappointed.
Keywords: Decision making, prudent, fiduciaries, financial behaviour.
JEL Classifications: M2, M4, O3