Authors: Muttanachai Suttipun and Lattawan Pratoomsri
Year: 2019, Volume 29 No. 1
Pages: 131-145
This research aims to investigate the extent of segment information disclosure of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) during 2012–2013, to determine the differences in segment disclosure before (2012) and after (2013) the introduction of the International Financial Reporting Standards No. 8: segment disclosure (IFRS8). This study will also examine the influence of ownership structure and board composition on segment disclosure. Content analysis was utilized to extract segment disclosure data from annual reports according to the mandatory checklist of IFRS8 prior to the determination of segment disclosure indices. Paired sample t-test was utilized to determine the differences in the segment disclosure index before (voluntary disclosure) and after IFRS8 (mandatory disclosure). Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the influence of ownership structure and board composition on segment disclosure. The paired sample t-test results indicate significant differences in the segment disclosure index before and after IFRS8. The regression models show that only foreign ownership, government ownership, size of the committee, and committee’s accounting background were associated with the segment information disclosure index. It is also found that segment disclosure is influenced by firm size and auditor type. The samples size and a 2-year study period are possible limitations of this research. This research is the first to look into the differences in disclosure of segment information in case of voluntary and mandatory reporting, and investigate the influence of ownership structure and board composition on segment influence disclosure in the Thai setting.
Keywords: Corporate governance, Segment disclosure, Ownership structure, Board composition, The International Financial Reporting Standards
JEL Classification: M14, and M41