Authors: Krister Ian Daniel Roquel, Alexis Fillone and Krista Danielle Yu

Year: 2019, Volume 29 No. 1
Pages: 146-164


As most developing countries experience rapid urban growth, the subsequent logistics sprawl increased travel distances, transportation costs, and negative environmental impacts of truck traffic. To address these, many development programs have been proposed to optimize freight transport operations. However, due to limited time and resources, there is a need to develop the optimum development roadmap that takes into consideration possible climate-related risks. The Philippines is at the forefront of the strongest typhoons; the freight transport infrastructure’s resilience against flooding is a significant aspect to be examined. In this paper, the dynamic inoperability input-output model (DIIM) is used to assess the overall economic losses resulting from a disruption in the road freight sector (e.g., flooding). By incorporating the resilience performance of various freight transport programs against flood risk, the sustainable development agenda can be integrated with the application of academic frameworks in policy development. Aside from the integration of the DIIM methodology with the resilience metric for the assessment of freight transport development programs, this paper presents how resilience can be quantified, disaggregated, and used to assess potential long-term benefits as well as identify short-term, immediate, and critical needs.

Keywords: Freight, Flooding, Resilience, Input-Output
JEL Classifications: C67, D57, R15